
Indoor play

Within our Pre-school there are 3 main rooms; Little Robins, Big Robins, and Squirrels, where children aged from 2 to 5 years can play within a safe and welcoming environment. A range of activities are provided to build a child’s independent  and  social  experience, which include such activities  that are adult-led or in large groups to gain new skills and learn to play with others. These activities include creative experiences using a variety of different resources e.g. paint, crayons, pencils etc. also music, puppets, large role play.

Outdoor play

The child’s health, physical development and knowledge and understanding of the world around them is important to us. To promote this we encourage lots of time outside (and weather permitting). We have different textured surfaces and plants to experience, including grass, sand, wood etc. There is a paved patio area at the back of the building and a grassed area to the front. The children have access to a variety of equipment to encourage gross motor skills, including bikes and ball games.

We also have access to the local park area (Parkwood Green), woods (Foxburrow Woods) as well as our local community shops.