
Early Years Foundation Stage

Our Pre-school curriculum is guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum.


The EYFS works within four key principles:

All children are unique and constantly learning, with their own strengths and abilities. They develop at their own pace and in their own way. Inclusion means valuing and accepting all individuals and families without discrimination. Young children need protection and support for their well-being to foster resilience. Health and well-being encompasses emotional, mental, social, environmental, and spiritual aspects for children.

When children are looked after outside the home they can develop security and independence through having a key person to care for them. Children’s learning is helped when they feel safe and secure and when their parents and the people in settings they attend work together to ensure that the child’s needs are met.  A key person such as a childminder provides a reassuring link with home so that children can cope with being separated from the special people in their lives.

The surroundings have a significant impact on children’s growth and education. A conducive environment fosters a sense of security and comfort, promoting play and exploration. When children feel emotionally secure, they are able to investigate their surroundings and interact with the objects within it.

Children are constantly developing and their learning reflects this progress. For example, when a child learns to pull themselves up to stand, they can reach objects they previously couldn’t, or when they acquire new words, they can label objects and ask questions.

Curriculum Areas

The curriculum is divided into seven areas, three prime and four specific areas.

At Parkwood CF Preschool each child is at the centre. What each child learns and how they learn is unique to them.

Separate each child from Main Carer

Children to leave their main carer confidently at drop off and be happy to stay with the Preschool staff. Children to know they have a Key Worker to support their individual needs.

  • Key worker – supports the child throughout their time at preschool with their, learning and development. They also support the well being of the child, such as their physical and mental health. Children are supported to share their personal learning from home, by sharing their celebrations. Using Tapestry and WOW stars.
  • Working in partnership – we offer open afternoons to new families to see the preschool before starting.

During their time at Preschool we update via Tapestry, have termly stay and play sessions for children to show their learning, all about me forms and family tree in the application pack.

Children to always be able to share how they feel with adults within the Preschool.

Supporting each child’s understanding of boundaries

Children to develop their understanding of what keeps them safe and happy. Preschool staff to support this via the Preschool golden rules.

The Preschool will follow a daily routine, to support children’s understanding of what happens at Preschool.

Preschool staff will role model the expected behaviours to children, e.g. joining children for snack/ lunch.

Children to be supported during trips outside of the Preschool to have new opportunities.

Support children to be ready for the next steps

Children learn through play, as a Preschool we want all our children to confidently play and explore using the resources and learning opportunities available, both inside and outside.

We access children’s learning via two-year checks, 3 year base line check. Key workers complete planning to support children’s development whilst following their interests. The learning environments are set up with stimulating activities to support children achieve their developmental milestones.