Bank Holiday

All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.

Half Term

We welcome the children back to preschool on Monday 5th June! All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.

Squirrel Room Sports Day

All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.

Big Robin room team game week

Information to follow – pictures/ videos will be shared via Tapestry.   All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.

Little Robin Party Day

All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.

Little Robin Room – Parents welcome

Parents welcome from 11.45am to say goodbye to the Preschool staff and children before Summer.   All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.

Big Robin & Squirrels room – Parents welcome

Parents welcome from 11.45am to say goodbye to the Preschool staff and children before Summer.   All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.