Multi Sports Day with KLS Active
All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
Information to follow – pictures/ videos will be shared via Tapestry. All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
Parents welcome from 11.45am to say goodbye to the Preschool staff and children before Summer. All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
Parents welcome from 11.45am to say goodbye to the Preschool staff and children before Summer. All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
Children are welcomed back into the preschool on Thursday 7th September 2023. All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
The last day for the children this term will be Friday 20th October 2023. We welcome them back into the setting on Monday 30th October 2023. All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.
Children will break up from preschool on Friday 15th December. We welcome them back into preschool on Thursday 4th January 2024. All dates are subject to change – as much notice as possible will always be provided for date changes.