Medway Can Competition

Medway Can Competition

At the Preschool we are very excited to tell you about a new scheme we have signed up for ‘Medway Can’. The Preschool will be competing against other local settings as to how active we are.

Each week we will be logging how many minutes we have been active for both at Preschool and at home, these minutes get converted into miles. Our miles will be added together and then we can see how far these miles would have taken our preschool children around the world!

We need your help to gain as many miles as possible, if you take your child to the park, on a bike ride, out for a dog walk, to soft play, a trampoline park etc, please let us know where you went, what you did and how long you did it for, we would also love to see pictures of your physical activity.

We will be logging all our minutes and miles whilst we are at Preschool also, each room will be completing a weekly mini mile run around the park. As well as, we will also be having a morning wake up dance with some stretches and star jumps.

During January we have signed up for the Medway Can competition, our whole Preschool will be competing with the other local settings to win £500 worth of amazing sports equipment to add to our outside provision. These will be how many miles we log at Preschool during the month of January.